Friday, October 21, 2005


I really want to get a podcast going. I'd like to do a good fitness podcast. The problem is; listening to podcast from one person is just plain boring. Even talk show host 'go to the phones' now and then. I've downloaded the popular ones, mostly to see why they're popular. It's because they're entertaining. They're entertaining because there's two or more people, and they sometimes 'go to the phone', or in some podcasts, to the emails. Since I'm into: Technology, Yoga, Exercise, and that other thing that almost all humans are interested in, I download podcasts on those subjects. It's like talk radio, when you want it.

Even if you're not into talk radio, there are some important things out there. Anyone who uses a computer, or companies that use computers, should listen to Security Now podcasts. If I owned a company that used a lot of computers, I'd make sure all my employees listen to each episode of Security Now. Parents should listen to it too.

The easiest way to get podcasts is through iTunes. After you install it, just click on podcast directory to find topics you like. With iTunes you can even download some vidcasts -or video casts- and watch them when you want. Most tech types believe vidcasts are going to be the death of TV, as we know it. You'll be able to download your favorite shows, and watch them when you want, not when 'they're on'. The thing I like best about the iTunes play is; it remembers where you were when you stop, and close the application. When you bring it back up, it returns to where you were. Personally, I prefer Winamp, mostly because I'm use to it. Windows Media Player does a good job, but can be confusing for some.

Yahoo has a great Yahoo Podcast site. I get most of mine from there. There are many other podcast director sites out there. You can search around, and find what you like best.

You don't need an iPod to listen to podcasts. You can listen on your computer. You can burn the podcasts -which are simply .mp3 files- to a CD, and play them in your car. I play most of mine through Pocket Windows Media Player, on my iPAQ Pocket PC. I usually keep about five to six hours of podcasts on it, and listen to them in my car. It plays over any FM station I want, and sounds really good.

Some Podcasts I like:
  • This Week in Tech -TWiT - The number one podcast
  • Diggnation - Interesting and funny comments on these guys social bookmarking site. They usually get a litte drunk through the cast, so it gets even funnier as they go.
  • CNET daily podcast - Daily update on Tech stuff.
  • Yogamazing - Haven't listen to more than a few minutes of these, so I can't really comment on it. I'll post my reaction to it later.

My Blog is getting an average of 25 hits a day, and increasing. My goal is 1000 hits a day. Help me get reach that, if you could. I'll eventually post some links on the right side, when I figure out how, without messing the other stuff up too.

Today - I worked my clients out this morning, having breakfast in between them. Had a whole wheat bagel. It was good, really good. The package said 18 grams of protein, but I'm suspicious. I am gulible enough to try them. After walking the dogs, I worked on MS Excel homework. I was suppose to do some endurance training, but I thought I was best served doing Yoga only, instead. If I dont' get enough sleep, the endurance training seems to be 'all-for-naught'.

Stephen and Brett, if you read this, send me some update digital photos of you guys, so I can post them. I'd like people to see ya'll, at least once. And, I'll put them on my flickr page - you know, that interesting photo thingy on the right side.

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