Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Congratulations to Amy Deutsch, Nancy's daughter, and to Chivas Z -the horse, of course. The 2005 Year End High Score in the Adult Amateur Jumper catagory (not sure if it's catagory, class, level, etc) winner. Good job! Maybe I can get Amy to fill in on any corrections in the comments at the end of the post (HINT, Amy!)

I had my last class for the semester tonight. Next week is the final.

Today- I worked on printing up a few more ebooks to give out, then forgot to offer them tonight. I did plan out my tasks for the rest of the week. No workout yet though. I'm really falling behind on that. Not totally sure why. Probably just out of pattern. The Holidays always set off my patterns.

Tomorrow, I really want to get a Yoga session in. I always feel so much better when I do.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out Danny! I was high point Champion in my Division Adult Amateur Division. I also was Champion in the Level one Jumpers which was baiscally my warm up class. My height level was level 4 in the united States Equestrian Federation rules and regs. Which means I was al,ost jumping around 4' feet with 4'3" spreads. It is pretty big at least for me. I am so happy that I got to compete with Chivas this year who was the best hore I ever had.THanks again

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me.

One of the x's.