Monday, July 02, 2007

Open Education

In my effort to become part of the new style of education, here are a few links to educate you on some things.

Ubuntu Specific:
Ubuntu Clips
- This site has short clips on basic, everyday things you usually want to do on a computer.

Ubuntu Videos -
This site has lots of videos showing you how 'cool' Ubuntu is compared to Mac or Vista, but the link I provided is to the tutorials section. Some of the tutorials are on more advanced programs in Ubuntu Specific:
Tutorials for - Very similar to some of the older Microsoft Office tutorials, but good enough to teach you pretty much everything you need.

Open of Course - You have to register for this site, but it's completely free. Lots of subjects, and most of them in Video tutorials. Even language tutorials. The tutorials are excellent.

So, for my Free Geek installations out there, you have lots of training material available.

Just think: Free Computer, Free Software, and Free training! How scandalous!

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