Here I am, in my Network (LAN) class. There's Professor Hennel teaching us how to hack into your computer. Thanks for those interesting files. Don't worry; I can't get any of your files from you logging onto my blog. If you log off; that's a different story. Keep away from the X in the upper right (Red dot in the upper left on Mac, or some versions of Linux).
My prostate treatment is going good. I guess. Can't really tell much difference yet. I'm still going to the bathroom often, but not as often as before. I hope this clears up soon. Or, at the very least, gets a little better. It's frustrating. Especially not being able to really workout.
I've spent most of my time lately working on school projects. That, and helping Nancy prepare the house for sale (buy it, PLEASE!). Time for downsizing, and getting out of overconsumerland Winter Park.
The Dems won much of the election nationally. Republicans cleaned up locally -in Florida. Bill Nelson is still Senator. In my opinion, that's a good thing. I would have voted for the cigarette filled sand in Daytona over Katherine Harris. She may be competent, but I don't like her stance on issues. The selection of polititians was piss-poor. No one from The Emperial Party for Emperor Danny ran! What a waste. And those electronic voting machines? Insist on paper! Those eVoting machines are a joke. The only way I'd trust them is if a paper receipt was produced after the voting of each person.
Congradulations, Amy and Elias. Now, get to work on insuring my social security check!
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