When I write, it's usually five minutes at a time. Here, there, anywhere. My toy really helps with that. I can whip it out and tap a few sentences out. Every once in awhile, I can get in a zone, and go for hours, but that's about a once a month thing, and it takes me a few days to recover. Technology has enabled me to be a writer. I'm not sure I would be writing if I was born 150 years ago. I would have loved that hats though.
This weekend, my sister-in-law Mandy had to go to the hospital. She's about 8 months pregnant (we know what sheee did....hehe). Risky pregnancy. They might do an early cesarian. She's okay; they're just being very careful, for good reasons. My other sister-in-law, Nicole, is pregnant too. It seems I'm going to be an uncle to 2 nieces. Or would that be nices, or just nice. Yeah. It would be nice.
Today, I worked at Sports Authority, and Nancy and the rest of the group went to Mt. Dora for another author fest. This one was more successful, and they sold 5 or 6 books. They were one a street, in front of an independent bookstore -Dickens-Reed. It's a cute place, and very popular, even with Orlando folk. I like Mt. Dora, even if it is the swingers capital of the US. You'd never know, though.
I'm still learning product stuff at Sports Authority. Today, I learned about bats. Not the little animals. I learned about baseball and softball bats. A lot to them. Who'da thunk?
Last week, I achieved 53% of the things I planned to do. It might seem like I didn't do very well, but if you consider I wasn't planning at all for the month before, and achieving those plans, I did way better. I actually got a lot done. In the 7 Habits planning, you figure your life-roles, and make goals according to that. Then tasks to complete those goals. I'm still learning the fine points of this concept, especially the difference between goals and tasks. I need to make my goals more general, and the tasks specific to those goals. I'm not sure I like the Plan Plus software program. I'll give it the full 90 days I promised myself. I'm a creature of habit, so it might just be that I'm not use to it yet. In 90 days, I'll probably be exclaiming its virtues, and how I can't live without it.
Some Links:
Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival
Body For Life
Free Language Courses - but don't click on the page popups
A severly addictive, and simple, penguin batting game. Be careful, it really is addictive.
Unfit - comic about a personal trainer. Scott Adams, the creater of Dilbert likes it.
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