Lastnight, I played with my acquired toys. Maybe a bit too much. Stayed up till two working on one:
Very soon, I'll have a few machines, good to go, and will need to find good homes for them. I'm going to try to learn to support them, somehow. I need to learn and practice that part too. I want to give them to people or families with no computer.
My Laptop is still my prime machine. When it comes time to real-load the Operating System (right now, Windows XP Home), I'll put both Windows Professional and Ubuntu Linux on it.
In Other News
You see above the major news in my life. Work is good. Personal Training is good. Yoga is good, mostly. I need to do more - everyday. Relationship is way good.
You see above the major news in my life. Work is good. Personal Training is good. Yoga is good, mostly. I need to do more - everyday. Relationship is way good.
Neal Boortz says, there are no 'unfortunate' or 'fortunate' people. People make choices that lead them were they are. That may or may not be true; I don't get to decide on some of the external events going on around me. But, I do think I'm on of the 'Fortunate Ones'. CCR and Missing Persons wrote songs about people like me. I may not have money, and so far, it looks like that's been a really good thing for me. In all other areas of life, I'm way better off. When I've had money, it sucked. Sucked the life out of me.
Enough personal commentary. Back to the books (or, ebooks, as the case may be).